
Paul Gaugin Day Of The God

Decent Essays

Cameron Howard Hum Midterm Essay In Paul Gaugin’s painting Day of the God (Mahana No Atua) it depicts a fictional presentation of an indigenous praise ritual being carried out by the Tahitian women the setting is on an island of Tahiti. Gaugin’s painting is oil on canvas and uses a variety of colors to comply with his post-impressionistic style depicting real objects and expressing flat curving shapes pink, magenta, blues and reds for the shadows of the water it gives it a mystical look but the background of the painting gives the viewer somewhat of a realistic setting with the blue skies and the wind carved mountains that are complimented by the soft white clouds. When looking at this composition the viewers eyes are naturally attracted to the colorful water in the lower half of the painting, when looking on the left half of the pool it gives a sense of depth but flat and two-dimensional on the right as well as illogic color schemes in the reflection of the water. With the colors that were used in this painting it gives off a warm relaxing feeling within its island setting. There are some noticeable differences in this painting, the women all have different pose’s as well as there all engaging in something different from the nude female bather in the front to the two islanders in the top left performing a ritual near the sculpture. The three women in the front are said to signify birth, life, and death which resembles the three “Ages of Man” with the figure to the

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