
Asch On Conformity

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Although not every individual is affected by it, the fear of being alone is prevalent throughout the world. Monophobia, or the fear of being alone, can cause a person to conform. Whether it be to a majority, a small group, a single individual, or an idea, conforming is so frequent that it is often performed blindly. A common example of conformity is dress code within a workplace. If somebody sees their coworkers wearing a suit and tie, odds are that they will conform to this standard and dress the same way, in order to not stand out. So why exactly do we conform? Author Doris Lessing provides an answer to this question in her article, “Group Minds.” Lessing describes how westerners conform and how it affects their individuality. Social psychologist at Rutgers University, Solomon Asch provides similar ideas, but in a more scientific manner. In his article, “Opinions and Social Pressure,” Asch studies how men conform to the social pressures of a group. While each piece presents feasible information, Asch delivers said information in a more credible format. Lessing and Asch take different approaches to address this topic. Lessing takes a more philosophical approach, focusing on a western attitude towards conformity. She opens by stating that westerners view themselves as free individuals, but in actuality they are conforming to the groups they …show more content…

Lessing, being an author, is credible in the fact that she is an outsider to the psychological world. This may help her understand the studies as a component of the general public, as opposed to those with a psychological background. On the other hand, her validity is compromised with phrases that represent individual opinions, such as “it seems to me” or “my guess is.” While personal opinions credit the piece with philosophical attributes, the credibility is inferior to

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