
Ashley Merryman Losing Is Good For You Analysis

Decent Essays

In “Losing is Good for You”, Ashley Merryman instills the idea that society celebrates the essence of success that children achieve in any aspect of their life whether they deserve it or not. Merryman further explains that by celebrating success or, more importantly, the idea that every child is a winner, society takes away the fundamental ideas of hard work. Merryman states that as society limits the opportunity for children to experience failure, this leads to the destruction of the core beliefs of what is the true meaning of winning is and undermines overall determination, and it lowers the desire for children to work hard. Overall, I support Merryman’s claim that society rewards all participants despite their qualifications to hold the title of a “winner”. Today the term “winner” has become a cliché where people have driven the idea of success to the brink of extinction. Meaning, that society has over produced the idea of a winner to the extent that some other title would have to replace the phrase “Congratulations, you are a winner”. Personally, I believe that Merryman demonstrates the effect that as children are constantly provided trophies, certificates, and other methods of reward, each of these materials tend to tamper with the foundation of the meaning of being a true victor. Merryman states that, “nonstop recognition does not inspire children to succeed. Instead it causes them to under achieve;” with this statement, Merryman shows the key idea that as children

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