
Ashley Starbright's Argumentative Essay: Ordinary Girl

Decent Essays

August 17, 2014 was a brightly hectic day dulled down by the fact that it was the first day of my sophomore year of high school. Forty-five minutes into Ms. Higgins' lecture on Englewood High School dress code Garrett Martinez strutted into the room. Wearing black sunglasses, a baby blue Captain America t-shirt, and blue jeans he moved toward the only available seat with the grace of a wannabe city slicker. Immediately after trading his shades in for a pair of regular glasses he pulled his poodle like hair into a hot pink hair tie and struck up a conversation with the professor about "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock". From that moment I could tell that we would be amazing friends; boy was I wrong.
If you ask friends of Garrett what type of person …show more content…

Yes I did in fact mean to use the pronoun “she”, because at school you see “Garrett Martinez: Ordinary Boy” but outside of school this mere student is “Ashley Starbright: Transgender Teen”. Very few get to truly know this individual, but I was possibly one of the luckiest people in the world to be the first of her new set of Englewood friends to know. The personalities of Garrett and Ashley are like that of yin and yang both could not exist without the other, yet are as different as the ink in a black pen versus a pink one. Ashley is like a gentle leaf falling off of its branch, floating along the late October breeze waiting for someone to crush her just to hear the crunch. She is so used to having pain inflicted upon her that accepting love has been one of the hardest projects she has ever taken on, and also one of the most life changing. Over the past year I have observed this delicate flower slowly learn what it was like to trust and love; she has truly become a person of wonder that demands the attention of all that she loves. So, the next time you see the long red hair and plaid miniskirt flying through the school it is best to remember that that particular student is a princess gliding down the hallways of her secret palace just waiting for you to step

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