
Asl Reflection

Satisfactory Essays

Summary When I watched my own video I realized a lot of things that I did well. One of thing,that I did well was making sure to use my TC for each of my story transitions (background,body,and conclusion) my audience was able to tell that I started a new part of my story.I also used TC well for the narrator role when role shifting from my self to my mom. With my role shift I did a great jobs for keeping a consistent eye gaze from mother to child. I made to sure look down as the mother and look up as the child. With rhetorical questions I made sure to use them when describe things that I saw or explain things I realized during my story. For example when I explained where the color pencils were. I said COLOR PENCILS WHERE (RH ?) this help me to better explain what I was doing in the story. I also did a great job of using negation consistently to my audience when some thing was wrong or was not true. For example when I am explaining that I have no color pencils I am sure to match my head nod with he sign none. All in all, I enjoyed my execution of my child hood story. …show more content…

It took me time to figure out how to portray my feelings while using ASL. However, I learned that once I stopped caring what I looked like to my peers I was able to use great expressions to convey much more meaning than my signing alone could do. I also learned that I need to be taking time each day to do some type of fluency practice because during my story you could definitely tell when I was nervous or forgot a piece of my narrative. Doing the childhood stories felt better than doing any other video than we have done because I was able to tell my own story and it felt more natural to me than when I have had to remember stories and copy them to a

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