
Asperger's Syndrome Research Papers

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Aspergers Syndrome
The incidence of AS is thought to be 1 in 250. As many as 50% of people with AS may be undiagnosed. Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a neurological condition that someone is born with, and has for life. AS is generally considered a form of autism or closely related autism spectrum disorders including HFA (High-Functioning Autism) and NVLD (Nonverbal Learning Disorder) (AANE). People with AS usually have a hard time expressing emotion, maintaining a friendship, and understanding figurative language. Asperger’s Syndrome affects many aspects of a person’s social life.

AS makes it difficult for people to interact with others. People with AS have a hard time talking to others. Many have a tendency to say the …show more content…

Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome like the sense of predictability. Change can result in extreme anxiety. Even a small change could trigger apprehension. One result is difficulty transitioning from one activity to another: from one class to another, from work time to lunch, from talking to listening. Moving to a new school, new town, or new social role can be an enormous challenge (AANE). Adapting to unfamiliar situations is extremely tough.

Reading Others
People with AS have trouble perceiving the intentions or emotions of other people. They have a tendency to misread social cues (AANE). Most people with AS would not be able to read facial expressions and body language. They tend to misinterpret figurative language (A/A Network). Most Aspies struggle to understanding metaphors, irony, sarcasm and jokes - they may take things literally and not be able to interpret intonation in speech.

To conclude, Aspergers Syndrome makes socializing harder. Aspies often have difficulty interacting, adjusting to different things, and perceiving emotions. AS alters a person’s way of thinking, therefore not realize the effect their words have on others. This is how Asperger’s affects a person’s social

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