
Assembling The Railroad Industry

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Evolution is present in every step of history. From huts and spears to wood houses and guns, humans are one species that seem to evolve every day. One of our most vital tools in which we keep improving is transportation. A particularly important stage in the United States’ history was the development of the train and the building of railroad tracks. Assembling the railroad did not just impact the transportation industry, but it also ended up impacting a wide variety of different industries. It all started in the 1860’s, when a few gentlemen decided they wanted to connect the East coast with the West coast by building the transcontinental railroad. After the Civil War had ceased, the Republican Party pushed for economic growth. It was around …show more content…

Due to the fact that the Civil War was not quite finished, The Big Four had trouble finding workers. One of the group, Crocker, then had the idea of using Chinese workers, and after a little test run, the majority of their crew employed were Chinese. The Central Pacific struggled to get through the Sierra Nevada Mountains; they were solid granite. While the Union Pacific was building their railroad at a rapid pace due to mid-east’s flatlands. Once out of the mountains, the Central Pacific pushed even harder to catch up to the Union Pacific, “Crocker’s Chinese crew set the record of 10 miles of track in a single day” and by May 10, 1869 the two tracks were finished (Cherny 154). To conclude the Transcontinental Railroad, a golden spike was driven in with a silver …show more content…

The Southern Pacific railroad was going to link San Francisco to San Diego, however it had to be built. After hearing the plan for this new railroad, “Congress gave the Southern Pacific a generous land grant” and they were off (Cherny 168). Control was key and to maintain at the top, so Stanford, Huntington, Crocker, and Hopkins started to develop a horizontal monopoly by buying out their competitors. It was then that the group of men bought out Southern Pacific, which later would rule the transportation system on the West Coast. When buying the Southern Pacific, Stanford, Hopkins, Crocker, and Huntington decided to change the plans slightly in order for the railroad to also go through Santa Clara and San Joaquin

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