
Assessment Of Chronic Pain

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Assessment of chronic pain first begins with understanding what chronic pain is. Chronic pain is any pain with or without obvious injury that lasts longer than the expected healing period. Like many chronic diseases, it has periods of remission, an absence of symptoms, and exacerbation, an increase in the severity of the symptoms. A recent study suggested that chronic pain affects about 80% of elders in nursing homes. (Pateinakis, 2013) Proper treatment of chronic pain begins with gathering subjective and objective data about the client’s pain. Before meeting with the client determine rather or not the client is capable of communicating about his or her pain. If the client is aphasic or severely demented, it may be necessary to ask family members and/or caregivers to be present during the interview to help answer questions. Even if the patient is able to communicate effectively, they may be more comfortable with loved ones nearby. Review any comorbidities that may be affecting the pain or even causing the pain. Also, note all medications the client is currently taking including herbal supplements and over the counter drugs, to prevent polypharmacy or even identify polypharmacy that is occurring already.
Next, begin a focused interview. COLDSPA can be used effectively to gather all the specific information about the pain itself. Character is the description of the sign or symptom. Onset is when it began. Location is where is it and if it is localized pain or

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