
Assignment 1: A Critical Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

During the time of writing Project 1 I experienced immense growth, in all four WPA outcomes and all eight habits of mind. I had to use the WPA outcomes in the very first assignement we did for Project 1. In this assignment we had to analyze three different profiles and understand why they were examples of effective profiles. I gained rhetorical knowledge as the assignment helped me undestand what to do to make a profile effective. I realized that using details to enhance the profile makes a reader more interested and trying to explain a story without giving enough details makes the read boring and unintersting. This assignment also helped me gain knowedge of conventions as I learned how to effectively use secondary sources and how important …show more content…

I took me a few hours to finish the project and I wrote alot of the project in the first draft. I visited Mill Avenue the place of my profile several times to collect data and anaylze the surronding so that I would be able to descibe it properly. The assignments we had in the build up to submitting the final draft helped alot as well and helped me understand the importance of having a writing process as it gave me a clear idea about what I was writing and how to write it. We also had to find credible secondary sources and not the first link we would find on google. I had to read various articles and then decide which would fit the criteria of the place I was writing about. I did not know how to properly cite my sources so I used the website the professor sugessted and gained a rough idea about how I should cite my sources. I reccieved reviews of my rough draft from my peers and my prfoessor who said they understood the place I was trying to describe but it needed work as it was not as strong an explaniation as it could be. I had also not added a picture to my essay and that was something I added to give a better image of the place I was trying to describe. Before submitting the final draft I would write a paragraph almost every day and save these as new drafts. In the end I got feedback from a few of my friends and asked them which paragraphs they felt were a good description of the place I was trying to descibe. I feel that this paper was a good learning experience as I learned where my shortcomings are while writing this paper but I did not fully implement them in this paper and that is something I will be doing in Project 2. This paper was a good learning experience and I felt that my final draft was a good representaion of my work but in project 2 I will try and make sure that it is a representaion of my best

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