
Assignment 10: Communication And Unpredictable Stress

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment 10: Communication and Unpredictable Stress
In my life I believe I have had multiple defining moments with both a mixture of positive and negative ones. But I am going to write this assignment on the one I think has had the biggest impact on my life and on myself. I believe my most defining moment is when I chose to try out and then made one of my high school dance teams, The Eden Prairie Pom Squad. I believe this to be a life-changing moment for the reason that through being on this team I have learned so many life lessons that I carry with me every day, I have also made lifelong friends through being on this team, and it has helped shaped me into the person I am today. Through being on this team I have also learned leadership through being a junior captain and then …show more content…

The event of trying out involved a lot of people because so many people want to be on the national ranking dance team at my high school. But this decision did not just involve me it also involved my family for the reason that joining a team like this takes commitment from both the dancer but also the dancer’s parents. Before joining this team I danced at a studio and there were girls that I knew at the tryout which was nice to have a familiar face around when you are feeling so stressed out. The event of trying out lasted a week long where there were prep clinics to get you ready for the actual tryout throughout the week and then the actual tryout was on Thursday evening. Still to this day I can picture every moment of that night for the reason that I was so nervous and anxious and making this team is something I wanted so badly and was and is my passion. I also set the goal of being on this team when I was younger. The auditions took place in the high school volleyball gym which is a smaller sized gym and it was a really intimidating experience since there was a panel of judges of about seven or eight and they actually kind of sat

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