
Assisted Suicide Should Be Legal

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While a doctor’s main goal is to save lives, physician assisted suicide should be legal I all fifty states because people should be able to determine when they are ready to end their life, but only in certain limited circumstances. Physician assisted suicide, also known as PAS, is suicide committed with the help of a physician. Another name for assisted suicide is euthanasia, which is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. Euthanasia is different from assisted suicide because the patient does not really have a say in what happens to them, therefore it is illegal in most countries. There are many different ways that the physician could assist the patient in committing suicide. In some cases the physician would provide lethal drugs so that the patient would pass away. In most cases a doctor or physician would take the patient off of life support. Although it is said that in some cases the patient can voluntarily stop eating and drinking is considered assisted suicide that seems to be more of a choice they make on their own and not so much with the help of a physician. Physician assisted suicide is currently legal in only five states; Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. This law should be legal in all fifty states because it is unjust to the individuals who find their quality of live intolerable.
Some might say that suicide is unethical and a sin, no matter if the person commits it by

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