
Asymmetrical Balance In Art

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1. What are positive and negative space? Positive space is the area in the painting that holds the primary subjects, while the negative space is the area surrounding the positive space. Usage of space can affect the mood and quality of an artwork. Perception of the image is also added with space. It can create the illusion of depth and form of the artwork.
2. Identify and describe the three different types of balance in artwork. Symmetrical balance occurs when the weight of the artwork's composition is evenly distributed. Approximate symmetry happens when the objects are not identical, but balance still has occurred. Asymmetrical balance is when the visual weight in the artwork is not evenly distributed.
3. What is proportion? Proportion relates to the …show more content…

What is balance in artwork? Balance relates to the distribution of aspects such as color, visual weight, space, texture, and so on within the artwork. Balance is achieved in different ways within a piece of art.

1. The piece of art I chose was the Emperor depicted as a Taoist Magician on Lesson 05. First element of art I see is the ratio of size between the depiction of the Emperor and the dragon he is summoning. The second one that I realize is the color scheme between the Emperor and the dragon. The area by the dragon is dull brown but the area by the Emperor is bright green. This adds the third element which is space, the Emperor is the positive space, the dragons area is negative space.
2. If I wanted to create a piece of artwork that looks peaceful, I would have to use different elements of art together. I would want something relaxing, like a field with bright colors. Bright green grass, white clouds, and flowers throughout the field.
3. If I were to make a sculpture, I could make it smooth to resemble a human being. The realism that can be posed with a skin-like texture can add life to a sculpture. Not only smooth, but roundness can add direction to the way a sculpture is

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