
Atopic Dermatitis Case Study

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The epidermis of the skin has the functions of immune nonspecific defense and water retention due to barrier qualities. Nonspecific defense is innate and defined by the fact that it does not differentiate between foreign matters; it protects against all external materials rapidly (Stanfield, 2013, p. 675). The stratum corneum is the tough superficial layer of the skin, which is bound by non-nucleated cells called corneocytes. Corneocytes are keratin bundles bound by proteins and lipids. Lipids are necessary for the skin to function as a barrier in order to maintain moisture levels in the skin (WHO, 2009). Chronic atopic dermatitis (AD) is an inherited genetic skin disease which typically begins in childhood and is characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. Genetic defects in the production of filaggrin are the basis of dry skin and a risk factor for developing AD. Histamines produce1 the sensation of itch and are released into the skin as an immune response, triggered by inflammation. AD creates inflammation in the skin by autoimmune abnormalities, even without the presence of a bacteria, virus, or irritant. This chronic disease may be controlled through medical treatment …show more content…

The autoimmune nature of AD causes an attack on the skin, and inflammation causes a release of histamine into skin tissues as an immune response to inflammation (Handout on Health, 2013). Histamine increases itchy sensations that may be suppressed temporarily by scratching. Scratching disrupts the action potential signals of itch in a specific area, but scratching skin causes lichenification and excoriations. Lichenification is thick, leathery skin, and excoriations are superficial skin abrasions (Itching, n.d.). Chronic dry skin is another cause of itch, and both are both symptoms of AD (Del Rosso, 2011). The effects of scratching enhance the immune response, and symptoms worsen when

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