
Atticus Finch Unfair

Decent Essays

“To Kill a Mockingbird Essay” “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a historical fiction on racial issues in the United States during the times of slavery. This novel was written by an American lady by the name of Harper Lee. She was born in Monroeville, Alabama on April 28, 1926. Lee was the youngest of four children. Her book, “To Kill a Mockingbird”, won the Pulitzer Prize. President George W. Bush presented Harper Lee with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in November of 2007. She was popular nationwide. She passed away on February 19, 2016 in Monroeville, Alabama. This was the town she had grown up and spent her childhood in. Wealth in the novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” is not that important. Not a lot of people in this small town in Alabama. It is mostly a difference between the slaves and middle class. Wealth was not the main issue, it was racial inequality. It was obvious that Atticus Finch was really the only person that stood for anybody that was not white. There was definitely favoritism. Most people in the town were not extremely rich. Atticus Finch was a lawyer and only had a Chevy. It did not specify but it sounded like just an ordinary car. …show more content…

There were only a handful of people that wanted to see Tom Robinson go innocent. The odds were all against him. In the book, Tom Robinson confirms that he went to jail for disorderly conduct. “You were given thirty days once for disorderly conduct, Robinson?” asked Mr. Gilmer. “Yes suh,” Tom Robinson replied. (Harper Lee, page 262) It all flows better in the

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