
Essay about August Wilson's Rose: Surviving the Love and Deception

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Alan Nadel in May All Your Fences Have Gates: Essays on the Drama of August Wilson states “August Wilson’s female characters are represented as nurturers” (6-7).This is exactly how August Wilson presents Rose to his readers. A key element is that Wilson names her after a flower just as his own mother; whose name was Daisy. It is apparent that through Rose, August Wilson wants us to see his mother. He intentionally portrays her as the caring, ideal woman, and one who stands by her man no matter how difficult this may be. Nadel also mentions:
“What differentiates them is how they interpret the concept of nurturing, and what sacrifices they have to make in the process, for Wolfson’s world is always necessarily one …show more content…

When Rose learns that after eighteen years her man had sustained a relationship with another woman, she was devastated. She hardened. The softness in the love she had for Troy changed forever. Her hurt can be felt through her words as she tells Troy exactly how she feels:
I been standing with you! I been right here with you, Troy… I took all my feelings, my wants and needs, my dreams… and I buried them inside of you. I planted a seed and watched and prayed over it… And it didn’t take me no eighteen years to find out the soil was hard and rocky and it was never going to bloom (2.1.). The pain she reflects is intense. Rose never doubts staying in the marriage; she would never abandon her world. Her family means everything to her. Although this is true, it does not stop her from letting Troy know how angry his infidelity has made her. Her pain just makes her stronger and more determined to continue her life as usual, but without the love she once professed her husband. Rose poignantly tells him “All of the sudden it’s ‘we’. Where was ‘we’ at when you was down there rolling around with some forsaken woman?”(2.1). Rose made it clear that she was not going to abide by Troy’s ways any longer. Their lives would never be the same. Their love evaporates just as the morning dew the midst of day.
Raising Raynell is her way of showing Troy how strong and powerful she really was. Even though in those days were women supposed to do as told,

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