
Augustine Question

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Paper 1 Augustine Question Augustine is a human being like the rest of the world’s population. As a young man grows he will hit a point of his life where personal desires bubble to the surface. These looming desires not only stem from your own needs and wants but also from outside influence. Augustine was the son of Patricius, a landowning roman male who is also a pagan, who follows the roman gods such as Zeus and other roman mythology that were popular at the time. Also, the son of Monica, a woman of catholic faith which was not the normal faith teaching of the time. Monica was the house keeper as well as the head of the house servants. Augustine was born on November 3rd in the year of 354 C.E. in the city of Thagaste, which was a pagan heavy location. As a baby, Augustine’s father did not allow his son to be baptized to follow his father’s own beliefs . Growing up he was covered with the vail of paganism while attending school in Thagaste. …show more content…

They were convicted to do these things by a form of peer pressure, the act of shaming, taunting, coercing, or guilting an individual to do the act or deed for an attempt to fit in or to be accepted in to the group. This is not limited to small social circles but of the societal behaviors of the community. If it is socially acceptable to perform an act or action, that others from a different location deemed unacceptable, then why the populace care if they themselves see the act or action as normal.
People have been pushing each other in to preforming acts that went against their own moral code of ethics years prior to Augustine birth. People found out that some who desired to be part of something, be it a small gang or large organization, were more willing to do the things required of them. The more they desired joining something the further they were able to push themselves to achieve that

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