The hospitable town of Auream Regulam was fabled for their obligation to obliterate ornery nitwits that mistreated others. Its human denizens were actually experienced farmers that cultivated numerous crops: pumpkin, asparagus, cauliflower, peanuts, beans, almonds, spinach, broccoli, quinoa, and all that you could name, they grew. Simple bushes bloomed berries of all sorts, every tree blossomed branches full of fruit, and even the beauteous flowering stalks grew great harvests at their roots. Their culinary arts were legendary from the sheer amount of material at their fingertips; their hearty health was unfathomable despite their vegetarian practices; their medical prowess put any competitive great nation and prideful empire to shame; their intellectuals flourished without reserve; their warfare allowed them to display intrinsic titanous powers that only they possessed. …show more content…
Additionally, those of Auream Regulam regulated their population accordingly so that the borders of their territories could be guarded, with a surplus of ten regiments of a hundred reinforcements, disregarding the fact that there existed the godly existences which already have traversed the globe in search for the best in the world. Fully knowledgable that their Golden Age of Might was nearing its end and their prosperity would eventually lose out to the corrosion of time, the best of the best constructed labyrinths, tombs, and many other structures and artwork of utmost perfection. The sheer ingenious of the permanence and majesty of their constructs humbled the most arrogant of braggarts. Stagnation was encroaching, but at least some historical evidence would reside forever in the ever-changing world of
At the Día De Los Muertos event there were many people especially Hispanic families. Across the event, there was a museum that had arts of people dressed at Aztecs, Día De Los Muertos skeletons, a big altar, and painted skulls. The museum was not big, but showed some historical moments of the Día De Los Muertos. They also showed the culture being alive. Inside the event there were also quite a lot of volunteers that seemed to be from the high school that was hosting the event. Furthermore, we managed to see ABC7 news at the event which surprised us. We saw them interview some people from the event. The volunteers on the other hand, were either helping people sell food, paint people’s face, or ask people if they want to donate some change. They
Protective shell: The purpose of this shell is to protect the Sepioteuthis testa from predators and other possible danger. This shell protects their vital organs including the brain, heart, stomach, kidneys, and much more. This protection can save the Sepioteuthis testa from being killed from a blow to their soft skin that covers the organs. The Sepioteuthis testa cuts off the end of the shell so that the shell does not extend to the end of the fish, but cuts off before the fins. This allows the fins to be used to transport the Sepioteuthis testa. Similar to crabs, they must find new shells to protect them as they grow. This shell protects the Sepioteuthis testa, helping them survive.
Conocimiento is technologically advanced due to Kaha and their knowledgeable scientists. These new technological advancements for the benefit of their civilization and don’t use it for evil. Kaha is a special metal made up of Titanium and Uranium. Normally if you mixed the two metals it would decay. However, since it was in space the subzero temperatures and lack of oxygen formed it into a strong alloy. They don’t trade their knowledge. In this essay, we will describe the most important technology.
Located near the Pacific Ocean in Sinaloa, Mexico. There is a small town called Piaxtla de Abajo. This is the town where my father lived until he was 17 years old. In this town everyone knows each other. But where my father actually lived was in the street “Laguna.”
In France, the Armee Juive (Jewish Army) was established in 1942 and led by Abrahm Polonski, Eugénie Polonski, Lucien Lublin, David Knout, and Ariadna Scriabina. They had organized escape routes to Spain and in 1943-1944, they had smuggled about 300 Jews out of France (Dirkdeklein, 2017). They would also smuggle money from Switzerland and give it to the Jewish relief agencies. The Armee Juive had also participated in a French revolt against the Germans in 1944. The military leaders of the Armee Juive trained young partisns in Toulouse, Nice, Lyon, and Grenoble. They would also recruit partisans who trained in weaponry, military tactics, and discipline (Zuccotti, 1999). Also in France, the Organisation Juive de Combat (Jewish Fighting Organization)
Last time I described to you the city I currently live in, L’Aquila, Italy, a province in the Abruzzo region, by telling you about its history, my family, and my university. This time I would like to share with you the geography, climate, and details of my family’s home. Geographically L’Aquila sits upon a hillside in the middle of a narrow valley called the Valley of the Aterno-Pescara. It is positioned in a way that makes it close to highest Apennine summits, with an elevation of 2,365 feet. Because of the city being flanked by four mountain summits the warm, dry winds of the Mediterranean get blocked and cause L’Aquila to be very cool in comparison to central Italy. Like California, L’Aquila is also known for having many earthquakes. Throughout its history L’Aquila experienced eleven earthquakes, with each
Ever since man began building structures and settling land, art has manifested itself in our architectural creations. Whether it be to celebrate or worship a God or Gods, a grand sculpture to bury a powerful leader or remember them by, or to show a culture’s dedication to specific values, our architectural constructions have led to some of the finest art this Earth has ever seen. The Taj Mahal and Palace of Versailles are two great examples of such art. By examining each of these individually, and then comparing and contrasting them, it will become clear that no matter how different looking these buildings may be, they still serve the same purpose to the civilizations that erected them.
Reggio Emilia is a child driven methodology where children are enriched within their environment as well as communication from their peers. Reggio Emilia schooling is an innovative approach for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Teachers are considered co learners with the children. The classroom environment is considered a “third teacher” while the children are seen as obtaining a “hundred languages”. Reggio Emilia schooling can be viewed as an out of the box and unorganized approach to learning due to excluding a written curriculum. Reggio Emilia has been viewed as highly unstructured with a high chance of bullying to develop. Reggio Emilia is an unconventional way of providing students with a manipulative environment including co-learners
The public adored the top drivers. They were quite literally comparable to modern day sports stars. And, quite naturally, there was a huge amount of betting surrounding the races. Most drivers were slaves, but there was also some professionals among them. For a good driver could win vast sums. The chariots built purely for speed, as light as possible, and were drawn by teams of two, four or sometimes even more horses. The larger the teams of horses, the greater the expertise of the driver needed to be. Crashes were frequent and spectacular.
Cat’s claw also known as Uña de Gato is a woody like vine native to the Amazon rain forest. It’s name originated from the look of the plant as its thorns resemble cat’s claws. In peru, it was considered the life-giving vine. It was used to treat numerous health conditions including inflammation, viral infections, cancer and to stimulate the immune system. It was also commonly used for contraception. Presently, the dietary supplement is used in respect with Alzhemer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, peptic ulcers, parasites, herorrhoids and leaky bowel syndrome. Two of the most common species of the supplement consist of U. tomentosa and U, guianesis. U. guinasesis is more commonly used in Europe, whereas U. tomentosa has become widely popular in
the conquest of sedentary agricultural peoples and the extraction of tribute and labor from them.
Smile, it's a beautiful thing. Things happen every day and life proceeds super fast. To achieve the most of every day I always have a smile on my face. Smiles are very contagious they can make anyones day. Something so simple as having the corners of your mouth turned up and your front teeth exposing can change someone's day.
The cities were once small and empty until steel was created by Andrew Carnegie. We got skyscrapers from the steal which made our city look big and beautiful. Autiomobiles were being created by Henery Ford in, throughout the factories , to created a new way to travel. Automobiles were being imroved during the years , because of all the injuries and deaths.Seatbelts were made to help people from being hrown from the car , but not many people wore them. So airbangs were the next idea to stop the increase of injuries.
“Bramante was the first to bring back to the light of day the good and beautiful architecture that had been hidden since the time of the Ancients.” Palladio
wonder as the many vegetables and fruits pushed their way through the soil to become