
Australian Republic Research Paper

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The “Australia transitioning into a republic” issue has resurfaced in recent years because the opinion is right. There is an inherent conflict between Australia's stated values and its structure. We claim to appreciate equality but allow our head of state to be decided through hereditary title. We function as a democracy but automatically surrender the highest position of legitimate honour to an unelected European monarch. Australia has earned her right to stand alone as a fully independent democracy; we have our own identity within the world.
An Australian republic is a key piece of incomplete constitutional business. It is a chance to show the world, and ourselves, what our values really are. If we believe in meritocracy, democracy, and community, we should have a country that reflects this. If we believe we are capable of governing ourselves, then we should do so. Everyone knows the republican development is all about values. Do we truly believe in equality, that people should be judged by their actions and their character, not their bloodline? Do we truly believe that the people are the only genuine source of power? Do we truly believe in democracy? This is an Australian issue and it's about recognising the lively, …show more content…

By the late 1850s the belief of white male suffrage was largely accepted in the eastern states. Australia was the first nation in the world to use a secret ballot, guaranteeing that voters could follow their ethics without pressure. In 1902, Australia became the first nation in the world to allow women full citizenship rights, the right to vote and stand for parliament. Australia's commitment to democracy is symbolised today by the value of necessary voting. With these accomplishes achieved democratically under the monarch is significant, just imagine with how much we can succeed being independent nation and being our own

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