
Author's Changing View of Humanity and Good in Night by Elie Wiesel

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In the beginning of Night we see a young, innocent thirteen year old and deeply observant Wiesel, who wants to get closer to God and devotes his time studying Talmud by day, and at night the kabbalah with his friend and also mentor Moshie the Beatle. When Wiesel enters the Auschwitz concentration camp, his childhood and innocence are shattered when he witnesses men, women, and children being dumped into fiery graves. Throughout Night Elie Wiesel’s view about humanity and God changes, Wiesel starts to lose faith in God and question his existence, his view of humanity also changes when he sees how the exposure of human cruelty can deprive humans of their sense of morality and humanity.
In Night Wiesel struggles with his religion through the genocide process of the Jews, instituted by the Nazis. Though Wiesel loses his faith in God, he does not however stop believing in God. He loses faith that God is an all loving God. This is demonstrated when Wiesel says, “I was not denying His existence, but doubted His absolute justice” (45). An incident in Night where Wiesel also demonstrates that God is not the all-loving God he ounce thought is when a young boy is strangled on the gallows, and a group of Jews are lined up to watch as the boy struggles between life and death for more than half an hour. When a man had asked, “Where is God” (65)? Someone answered, “Where He is? This is where, hanging here from this gallows” (65). In that moment, the God whom Wiesel adored and his

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