
Autism Spectrum Analysis

Decent Essays

What does it mean to have a sibling that has autism? Let alone an older brother? This was the question that I spent a large portion of my life trying to answer and reconcile. Being the youngest child in the family, I realized at an exceptionally young age that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was something that made my family unique. Every case of ASD differs person to person, therefore it is appropriate to say that it is a spectrum that varies in severity on a case by case basis. Though all variants of ASD are associated with difficulty communicating and interacting with others, repetitive behaviors, and limited interests and/or activities. My oldest brother, John, was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at an early age as he did not start talking …show more content…

It wasn’t until my parents sat me down to talk after witnessing one of my out lashes on John. They essentially explained to me why my older brother acted so differently compared to other peers his age, and why certain aspects of our family life cannot and will not ever be “normal”. This conversation was extremely difficult to have for both sides and there was certainly a lot of questions, but it was a necessary. As a sibling of someone with ASD, the responsibility falls on you to show them compassion and understanding. No, we didn’t have a “normal” upbringing and yes, sacrifices were made in order to best accommodate him. But as he’s grown, and as my family as grown, John has not only shown extraordinary resilience and strength, but time and time again he has proven to be my greatest teacher and …show more content…

It means acknowledging the fact that your sibling was put into your life for a reason. For the 21 years that I have known and grown with my older brother John, the most important thing I’ve discovered is this: John has done more for me and my family than we could have ever hoped to do for him. Understanding him was a lengthy process. It required a lot of effort and dedication on my part and even today, I still make mistakes. However, this entire process has given me an inner strength, deep empathy, a quiet dignity, and a maturity that was well beyond my years that I would never have found without him. He taught me to love unconditionally and to enjoy the little things in life. The man I am today, I owe to

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