
Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study

Decent Essays

This article contained a great deal of information regarding autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and dental treatment. In order for dental professionals to treat those with autism effectively, they must have knowledge and comfort with what they do. This includes understanding the prevalence of ASD, the signs and symptoms of autism, and being aware of the patients’ needs of every aspect of an appointment. Autism is a disorder that diminishes social and communication abilities. Understanding the prevalence of ASD is important for proper dental treatment because it can affect any racial, social, or ethnic group. In fact, every hour three children are diagnosed with ASD, and in the United States alone, three million people have been diagnosed with ASD. There is a pattern of signs and symptoms for ASD. The main symptoms include limited social and communication ability, along with repetitive behavior. Other symptoms can be underdeveloped play skills, loss of social skills, and oversensitivity to textures. Because there is no medical test for autism, observing the behavior of someone is crucial. It is important to know that although someone may exhibit some of these symptoms it does not mean they have ASD. Being aware of the patients needs for every appointment from start to …show more content…

Establishing how much time will be needed for each appointment, what accommodations will be necessary, and how to measure success can now be answered. When beginning debridement, it is important to keep the instruments out of sight and refrain from distracting noises to continue to build trust and keep the patient calm. Using the “tell-show-do” method is important. Explaining the procedure, showing them what will be done, and then completing it, helps the patient understand what is expected, and in turn, establishes trust. It can also be helpful to have the assistance of the caregiver while

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