
Autism Spectrum Disorders Case Study

Decent Essays

For chapter seven I chose case study twenty six. The title of this case study is: Modifications for Special Students: Autism Spectrum Disorder. This is a story of a student named Thao, Thao is autistic. The two school teachers decided to split their classes for advanced math and lower level math. Once the classes changed Thao was confused and threw a fit. One student next to him followed in suit and left the teacher confused as to whether he would address the issue or not. In this case study special needs was the main topic of discussion although there are some language barriers due to his disability and from having a different native language. According to the matrix in the front of "A Casebook for Exploring Diversity" this case study happens to deal with interpersonal competence. Interpersonal competence is "the ability to interpret intentional communications, unconscious cues, and customs in cultural styles different from one's own." (Redman, Redman 2011) This makes sense because in the story Thao is very limited with speaking so he uses certain tools and signals to communicate. For example, Thao used his cue cards for …show more content…

There is Mr. Leon, Thao, and Chong. Mr. Leon's point of view is that Chong, as far as he knows is not special needs. He may think he is acting out to get the same treatment as Thao, but there is a chance that is not the case so he decides not to speak upon it. There is Thao who is very overwhelmed and probably kind of confused at this time due to the changes in scenery and new students in the classroom. Then, there is Chong, Chong seems to be acting out of his character although Mr. Leon cannot tell. Chong may either think he will get dismissed from class or he may actually have a disability that causes him to get overwhelmed as well. My opinion is that Chong may be faking this reaction but I think Mr. Leon did the right thing about not questioning it in front of the

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