
Autobiographical Literature of the Holocaust

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Jpz777 03/11/2013 Order # 2087935 Literature has always been mankind's greatest medium with which to express the spectrum of human emotion and experience, from the anguish of love lost to the joy of discovery, but the evocative power of the written word can also be used to capture the horrors that men are capable of inflicting on one another. During the Holocaust of World War II, during which the Nazi regime of Germany occupied much of continental Europe and murdered more than 6 million Jews in an industrialized genocide, the personal stories of countless victims were lost forever as entire family lines were obliterated on the order of Adolf Hitler and those pursuing his "Final Solution." With a megalomaniacal dictator intent on rewriting the history of the Germanic people, while expunging all evidence of Jewish existence under his dominion, Hitler's Holocaust was designed to inflict not only the physical punishment of torture and death, but also the psychological torment of complete annihilation. In the decade following the fall of the Nazi party, with the world still struggling to comprehend the sheer scope of the atrocities committed behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps, ghettos, and gas chambers, a pair of Holocaust survivors penned intensely moving autobiographical accounts of their persecution. Published in 1958, both Elie Wiesel's Night and Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz attempted to reveal the social significance of the Holocaust by recreating

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