
Autumn Poem Diction

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Stanza 1:This poem takes place in the winter. Nature imagery; contrast between warm indoors and the cold outside. Diction describes how bitterly cold it is.
Stanza 2:personification; speaking/thinking to himself. Possibly alone, compares thoughts to all of the nature mentioned
Stanza 3: asking who one should fear what comes with the seasons; saying that you should only be afraid of the winter; love has never been found in the winter
Central Idea LXVII: Winter is a season where most cannot find love, but one must not fear other seasons.

Stanza 1: Joy is absent in life without love.
Stanza 2: Talks about how the cicada is brave because it can cry for so long while it waits to find a mate.
Stanza 3: The Pleiades constellation …show more content…

Stanza 5: Swallows make nests in eaves to shelter from the rain/wind with the spring season.
Stanza 6: The tide is very punctual in order to keep the rhythm of the sea which sways back-and-forth.
Stanza 7: If you know all of this, you can figure out everyone’s motivation and their hopes and fears.
Central Idea LXVIII: The way the world works is unknown and fearful to man, but one must have hope to push through fear.

Author’s Purpose: In the first poem, the author is attempting to use nature imagery and descriptions of the bitter winter surroundings to describe the melancholy that she feels due to the abandonment of her love. In the second poem, the author continues to use connections with nature and occurrences in the natural world to further convey her feelings.

Questions: …show more content…

Shifts: a change in focus, style, setting, time, character, mood, tone, etc. Shifts break up the text.
Repetition: when a word, phrase, idea, object, etc. repeatedly appears in the text. Repetition is used to put emphasis on symbolism, central idea, theme, etc.

Figure out the words you do not know with context clues, or look them up.
Find the tone of the story
Look for different types of imagery
Break-up the words and put them together once you know the meanings of the single words.
Connect each stanza to something which can be applied to real-life.
Read the poem out loud for a better understanding
Find patterns in the poem (rhythm, repeated words.. etc)
Does the poem speak from a specific culture or have bias?
Look for possible hidden meanings
Try to understand the poem one stanza at a time instead of the whole thing at once.
Preview the poem by reading the title Visualize the images included in the poem. Who is the speaker? Also know if he is involved in the story. Identify who the poem is directed to. (audience) Determine the connotation of the passage and the

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