
Ayn Rand's Anthem And The Soul Of An Anthem Individualism Analysis

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Both Ayn Rand’s Anthem and The Soul of an Individualist display the struggles of living in a collective and oppressive society where new ideas and inventions are denied, and how the individual must break free towards an individual and creative spirit. The individual often encounters struggles along the way as they try to break free towards individualism. The struggles include guilt, a fear of punishment, and a fear of change. Although people win certain battles, it doesn’t mean guilt isn’t felt. Within a collective society, it is reasonable to assume a rebellion will ensue at some point in time, caused only by a gain in knowledge and a desire to be an individual. Struggles will occur, and in some cases, guilt may follow. However, the …show more content…

Because we are afraid. Afraid of what may happen if we stand up and speak our minds, if we say how we feel and how we desire to be individual. A fear of punishment is a rational thing in the situation in which the society is collective, due to being used to living in a oppressive world, and being afraid of how people above us might react. Within Ayn Rand’s Anthem she describes Equality 7-2521 and his struggles to stand up and speak out to the council. Why does he struggle? Fear...fear of being shunned and whipped and tortured and beaten and possibly even killed. In an oppressive society, anything is possible in terms of punishment, and fear is what condemns us the most. While change can be viewed as a positive thing, it can also be negative, but above all else it can be a scary occurrence. Sometimes we find ourselves desiring to break free from collectivism, desiring to be individual. But often times, we cannot speak up, we cannot do anything to break free. We feel small and confused and afraid. But what is it we are afraid of? Fear of Change. We become used to living in a collective and oppressive society where we are held back and restricted since we are afraid of what could happen if we gain freedom to be unique. Freedom to be creative. Could total anarchy erupt? Could murder occur, due to rage and confusion built up inside of us? Regardless, it is the fear of what could happen, fear of the unknown and of the changes which could come with a new

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