
Babylonian Creation Myths Summary

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In recent days, more and more people question about if the Bible is a reliable resource of stating history. Different scholars may have different understandings towards the characters, even if the researchers are telling the same event at the same timeline. In the article “ Genesis 1 and Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths”, Gordon H. Johnston focuses on the connection between Genesis 1 and the Egyptian creation myths since he thinks there exists the dispute between Genesis 1 and Babylonian creation because of two basic but vital problems “a matter of debate” and the origin of “God and the primordial waters” (Johnston 179). He uses the literary as the entry point to analyze the relationship between the Genesis 1 and Egyptian creation myths, which …show more content…

Getting through the whole story line of Genesis and the Eridu Genesis, we can observe the connection between these two myths from the explanation of the time line and the order. Starting from the time line, as we all known, Sumerian is the group of people who create the earliest known writing and wrote the Eridu Genesis. According to Thorkild Jacobsen’s research, he discovers the time of the first creating phase for the Eridu Genesis is around the 1600 B.C and the Akkadian translation about the Eridu Genesis from Ashurbanipal’s library noted the date is around 600B.C (Jacobsen 513-514). Besides, Jacobsen and Kapelrud both indicate Priestly Code is dated around ca. 500 B.C (Jacobsen 528, Kapelrud 180). Based on the two resources above, we can assume that Genesis is composed around 500 B.C, which is 100 year earlier than the first publish of Eridu Genesis. From my perspective, the historical timeline as a flawless evidence prove Kaplrud’s standpoint that the writer of Genesis 1 uses the essential point on his process of writing Genesis 1(Kaplrud 181). Comparing to Egyptian creation myths that borrow Genesis 1 a part of history (Johnston 192), I think that Genesis has a closer relationship with Babylonian creation myths because the author of Genesis uses some parts in Babylonian

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