
Background of Voici Brands

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Problem statement this paper will argue that Voici Brand needs a centralized strategy for their supply chain, to be able to improve supply chain speed and efficiency. They can become more effective by reducing the lead-time to ensure that they meet the needs of their customers.
Background Voici Brands is a large department store that deals with fashions, from designing to tailoring and production. Over the past five years, the Los Angeles based Voici Brands had widened distribution from department stores in the United States to locations in Canada, Mexico, and Great Britain, as well as through catalogs and the Internet. But in the past two years, the company had started losing money. Competitors were outselling Voici because supply problems had affected sales. A case in point was that of the recent fiasco where a leather-trimmed miniskirt could have achieved high sales but because its supply was short and prolonged, interested fizzed out and the store ended up selling the remaining skirts at a heavy discount. Had customers been provided with their merchandise when wanted, the store would have gained rather than lost. As it was, Voici had gaps in its operations and was not only criticized as a result abut lost economically too. One of Voici Brand's greatest competitors, on the other hand, was Marquise that was gaining business precisely because of its paying attention to its supply management. Rise in Marquise's profits was less due to its lower Chinese labor costs, and

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