
Bad Leadership Theories

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Abstract When I think of bad or evil leadership, I think the power between leaders and followers are often locked in a complicated dance of sorts. Leadership today is a phenomenon, which implies that a leader, by nature, is someone wise and inspirational. However, it is better to understand that sometimes a leader is driven by darker forces, as well as their followers. Leadership can be painted in shades of gray, sometimes in black and bad leadership is as ubiquitous as it is insidious. This is not to say that bad leadership is more prevalent than good leadership, anymore than it could be said that bad people are greater in number than good people, but just as human nature is complex, leadership is prone to shades of gray and black as …show more content…

Likewise, the selfish leader minimizes or disregards the health and welfare of those outside the group or organization for which they are responsible. If you think about it, this is human nature. One group competes against other groups for scarce resources. The insular puts the group 's interests ahead of the common interest.

Lastly, the evil leader, such as Saddam Hussein and Adolph Hitler, commits atrocities and uses pain as an instrument

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