
Baktun 9 Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

“The inscription on this stela occurs in two vertical separated panels. (There is a picture) The date is inscribed in the first four glyphs of the upper panel, in the upper two rows. (okay) The first glyph records the day 13 Ahau, followed by the month 18 Cumku; the left hand glyph in the second row is the katun glyph surmounted by the number 17,or 17th katun, while the second glyph to the right in this row, records that the haab, or tun is completed. These four glyphs state that a day in a 52-year cycle, 13 Ahau 18 Cumku, completes Katun 17 of an implied Baktun 9; in other words, (see appendix).” Now how in the hell did they imply Baktun 9? What bothers me is that I actually tried to read that gibberish and secretly turned to the appendix for understanding. What also bothers me is that there is some guy, in this case William R. Coe, who purports to understand that gibberish. What truly bothers me further is that he probably does, and I never will. There is so much to …show more content…

It seems they dated things in a cycle of 52 years or 18,980 days, the “Calendar Round.” Of course, they counted vigesimally, which I now know is in groups of 20. The Calendar Round results from the permutation of three other cycles: the Sacred Round (made up of two cycles) and the Vague Year. The Sacred Round has a cycle of 13 numbered days and 20 named days, which produces 260 combinations of numbers and days. The Vague Year has 365 days (!) resulting from 18 20-day months plus 5 “days of the dead” which are added for no good reason. Now here is the fun thing: 260 and 365 have 5 as a common divisor, so 5X52X73=18,980. Would you believe it—a Calendar Round! Every single day in that 52-year cycle had a different name. In Mayanese a day is a kin. 20 kins make a utnal, while 18 utnals make a tun. There are 20 tuns in a katun, and if you pile up 20 of those katuns you get a baktun, which is exactly half of

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