
Balance Sheet and Potential Related Business Essay

Decent Essays

5-30 (Assertions)
1. The allowance for doubtful accounts is fairly presented in amount- Valuation and Allocation Assertion (Compare accounts receivable according to GAAP matching principle)
2. All accounts payable owed as of the balance sheet date are included in the financial statements- Completeness(Do the balances contain all transactions for the period)
3. All purchase returns recorded in the general ledger are valid- Existence/Occurrence(Do the recorded accounts represent valid liabilities at the balance sheet date)
4. There is a risk that purchases made in the last week of the month might be recorded in the following period- Completeness(Do the balances contain all transactions for the period)
5. The client may have …show more content…

Creditor monthly statement obtained from client’s files- (2) indirectly from outsiders
3. Vouchers in client’s unpaid voucher file- (4) entirely internal
4. Duplicate sales invoices in filled order file-(4) entirely internal
5. Time tickets filed in payroll department-(4) entirely internal
6. Credit memo in customer’s file-(4) entirely internal
7. Material requisitions filed in storeroom-(4) entirely internal
8. Bank statement in client’s files- (2) indirectly from outsiders
9. Management working papers in making accounting estimates-(4) entirely internal
10. Paid checks returned with bank statement in (1) above-(3) internal but validated externally
11. Letter in customer file from collection agency on collectibility of balance-(2) indirectly from outsiders
12. Memo in customer file from treasurer authorizing the write-off of the account-(4) entirely internal

b. Comment on the reliability of the four sources of documentary evidence.
Audit evidence directly from outsiders are used to determine competence, internal evidence provides evidence but is weighed against effectiveness of internal controls. Physical evidence that an auditor may actually witness like inventory is the highest of reliability. External and internal evidence is moderately reliable and works best when used with supporting documentation. Client communications and letters are the least reliable and should not be taken on its own merit.

7-22 (Understanding the entity

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