
Banking On Legitimacy : Ecb And The Eurozone Crisis Essay

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b. Banking on Legitimacy: The ECB and the Eurozone Crisis
This section contains a summary of the article, Banking on Legitimacy: The ECB and the Eurozone Crisis by Kathleen McNamara, in the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, published in Summer/Fall 2012, Volume 13, No. 2, pages 143 – 150. The main thesis, methodology of the report, results/findings and the final conclusion and recommendations of the articles will be addressed below.
1. Thesis

Over the last few years, the EU has been the main focus of the world as the sovereign debt crisis unfolds. The European Central Bank (ECB), which started out as a hyper-independent central bank later played a more political role that is initially intended by its creators. The article discusses about the origins and evolution of the European Monetary Union (EMU) as well as the ECB leading up to the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
To assess the situation, the author addresses and answers several issues about the European sovereign debt crisis. The questions are:
• How did the crisis originate?
• How did it span out? What are its problems?
• What was done to curb the expanding issue?

2. Methodology

To assess the situation, the author presented an overview regarding the crisis. Then the author discusses how the crisis spanned out and the problems associated with the crisis that the European Union faces in light of this crisis. The author also evaluates the crisis by discussing the ways to control this issue.
3. Results

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