
Barack Obama Research Paper

Decent Essays

What if we only had “white” presidents? Some people think that Barack Obama is not a hero I beg the differ. Barack Obama fought for the civil rights for all people. To him it does not matter to him what race or ethnicity to him we are all equal. He wants to turn the American Dream into a reality for all people. He graduated from law school and he also has the title of “The First African American President”. When he set his mind to something Barack Obama tries his best and will do anything to reach his goal. As for collage Barack Obama wanted to exceed and he did he went beyond what was expected for him. When Michelle and Barack were dating Mrs.Obama said she could see the road from a hole made from rust from Barack Obamas car. …show more content…

In 1991 Barack Obama graduated from Harvard Law School. He graduated with a degree of law. I feel that when he walked across the aisle everybody felt proud. He set his mind to his goal and he accomplished it. After going through this period in his life he now has a better understanding in law which would help him in the future. He now understands most law situations so now he can have a greater understanding when he will run for president in 2009. Barack Obama fought for the civil rights of all people. Barack Obama was a civil rights activist before he became president. He helped people fight for their own civil rights. He did this so all people could be treated equally. Some people think that Barack Obama is not qualified for the title of hero. He nearly doubled the national debt. He also didn’t fix our immigration problem. We started with ten trillion dollars in debt. Now we have nineteen trillion dollars in debt. Over all some people think that Barack Obama is not a hero. I disagree, Barack Obama has led this country through tough times and hardships but that did not stop him Barack Obama has faced multiple times a acquisition of not being American. That did not stop him either. Barack Obama has gone through thick and thin leading this country to what it is

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