
Barack Obama Speech Rhetorical Devices

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In 2008 when America was in a period of financial crisis it seemed like nothing could change the downward trajectory path, which it was taking. It seemed like the country was divided. It seemed like the American dream and all of the great prospects that defined America were lost. It also seemed like there was nothing that could change the way things were headed. But this was also the year that the current 44th president of the United States of America was elected, the first African American president, a man who was elected to the US senate in 2004. This is the same man who use to be a civil rights lawyer, a teacher, and a community organizer, this much-respected man is president Barack Obama. Following his triumph in the presidential election …show more content…

One of the reoccurring persuasive techniques that he uses in his dialogue is Pathos. He uses Pathos to get his audiences to become emotional, towards his cause and invest them self within it. This is clear when he says, “let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility”(Obama). It is evident that he is tapping into the emotions of his audience and is getting them excited and riled up. Obama is getting them excited and riled up by telling them that they can renew something that has been a part of American history, which is patriotism, service, and responsibility. This will cause the audience to also feel like they are a part of something that is beyond there self importance, that they will be the changing factors in Americas actions because of there renewed qualities. He continues to say, “our stories are singular but our destiny is shared, a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.” Obama here is once again tapping in to the feelings of his spectators by telling them he needs everyone to make a difference because their destinies are shared. This causes the audience to feel like they need to be supporting him since their futures are shared. Also it is making them believe he will work extremely hard to make it an extraordinary one. Additionally he uses Ethos to influence his audience into supporting him. The president while trying to make himself seem even more credible said, “two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth.” When the President said this it made people put their trust in him and made his credibility rise between his audience. It made people believe in him because he is talking about making his government based all around the people, and comparing this to the previous government which did not help it’s citizens, makes people believe in him and trust him. Moreover the president continued to say, “who

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