
Baseball Autobiography

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When I was a young kid, baseball was all I thought about. I started playing baseball at the age of 5 years old and instantly fell in love. From that point on, I wanted to become a professional baseball player when I grew up. I put my mind to it and was going to find a way to get to the majors. One day my dad took me to my first baseball game to watch. We pulled into the NBC World Series parking lot and I was in awe. I’d never seen a stadium that big before in my life. At that moment was when I realized that I will play there at sometime in my life. When we got into the stadium I remember getting a hotdog and a gatorade. The sound of the fans talking amongst each other as the teams warmed up was heard from the concession stands. Once the National Anthem was sang, the announcer yelled, “PLAY BALL!” That was where my journey began. Three years ago, I joined an academy team called 316 Elite. I was the starting catcher and batted in the five hole. The last tournament of the year was a qualifying tournament to get into the NBC World Series. Up to this point we haven’t won a tournament since I’ve been on the academy. The two bracket play games are on Friday. We played the Kansas Cannons and beat them 7-5 followed by a win over our other younger 316 team 9-4. The championship game was on Monday. I rolled up to the ball park about an hour and a half early to get batting practice and catching drills going. The smell of fresh cut grass filled the air while chirping birds sang in

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