
Baseball : Developing A Youth Baseball Program Essay

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Vital Baseball: Developing a Youth Baseball Program Can a youth baseball program really be considered a business? Just because the Vital Baseball organization does not turn a profit can the managing partners really market the brand to one day fully fund their future endeavors? To find these things out a SWOT and market analysis has been conducted on the organization and the brand as a whole to see what the future viability can actually be. A SWOT analysis is a determination of an organizations strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis was conducted but other things were evaluated as well. Strategic planning in any organization is key to the future viability of the brand and the strategic future planning of the Vital Baseball organization was assessed. The course of the organization has been plotted to see where they will be in the next three years. Again a youth baseball organization may not be a for profit organization but to be viable for many years the organization must be managed smartly and in a manner that supports the goals of the entire organization. Vital Baseball History The Vital Baseball organization was founded in early 2015 in the northern part of the state of Utah. The strategic plan of the founding managers was to build an organization that supports youth baseball at every age level. “First and foremost, strategic planning is a process” (Abraham, 2012, p. 1.7). This process is not to be taken lightly and the Vital

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