
Baseball Hall Of Fame

Decent Essays

In Machine Learning with Baseball Hall of Fame, portrays 3 figures comparing the Hall of Fame Ballots vs. the predictions. Moreover, this differentiation is recorded every year by a machine: the Artificial Neural Network(ANNs). However, these college students at George Fox University utilize the Fast Artificial Neural Network(FANN) toolkit for their research on predicting which players have the potential to be elected to the Hall of Fame for Baseball. The Artificial Neural Networks(ANNs) is slowly a burgeon tool that is highly utilize in the Major League Baseball organization. Additionally, this sport has data that is significant for the domain. The domain includes 30,000 players evaluated to narrow it down to around 250 players, so the …show more content…

As I continued reading, I started understanding as soon the students went in- depth on how the Hall of Fame ballot works. I comprehended the information that was stated of how ANN/FANN works. Especially, through the tables/graph that this research paper displayed. In my perspective, I think that the problem and the solution was presented effectively. This paper provided enough information to the point where any individual, regardless if he or she is a baseball fan, can understand the problem. In other words, the position of the baseball player is significant when it comes to predictions. This is due to the reason that this position has lower offensive expectation in order to enter the HOF. So to prevent that from happening, ANN will treat this position as a non- numeric data. To put it differently, every player will be valued through the ratio of games played at each position instead. In this case, these students found a solution for this problem. Although, I am not a huge baseball fan, but I believe there is a possible different way on how to approach this problem. Another way is instead of calculating the ratio of how many games played at each position, is to calculate how many times they have been in the starting line- up. By being in the starting line- up, this can boost up their chances of entering the HOF. The offensive players have it easy because of how much action they have on the field, but if a defensive player is in the starting line- up, then that player may have the same expectations as the offensive

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