
Basketball Ethnography

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Being six foot four means I get a lot of stares and attention when I walk down the street. Most people will look at me in astonishment and say things like “wow you’re tall!” or “how tall are you?” when they see me. But the question I get asked the most from random strangers is “Do you play basketball?” Depending on what kind of mood I’m in, I answer in one of two ways. In both ways I tell the person asking “no,” but my attitude while doing so differs. Most of the time I find this question rather annoying. Just because I’m tall doesn’t mean that I play basketball, nor have I ever. It’s a question that I’ve gotten practically my whole life, but anymore I tend to spend more time thinking about the bigger picture behind it. Our society is so preoccupied with how people look that it has seeped into every aspect of our culture. Someone’s height, weight, and gender, in our culture seems to dictate what people think of them. Specifically in the sporting world, a person’s physical attributes play a major …show more content…

Being one of the girls who was lifted in the air by the older boys and young men in the studio was a coveted role. Every girl who was of an eligible age wanted a chance to be that girl. My last year of dance, me and my best friend were both auditioning for one of the lead roles in the Grease tribute we were doing as the finale. For the month or so before the audition, I watched my best friend starve herself and exercise too much in order to lose weight. She was afraid that she would be too heavy to be selected as one of the girls who would be lifted and get to perform the most amazing stunts. While my friend did end up getting selected for one of the coveted roles, our instructor ended up finding out what was going on and cut her from the team. After that our studio had strict rules that were set up to stop young dancers from developing eating

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