
Battle Of Fredericksburg Essay

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The battle of Fredericksburg started on December 11th and ended on December 15th 1862. The two generals that were a part of this war was general Robert E. Lee and general Ambrose Burnside. Burnside had a plan to cross the Rappahannock river at Fredericksburg in mid-November and race to the confederate capital of Richmond before lees army could stop him. But before Burnside could do that they had a problem which were pontoon bridges which gave lee enough time to move his army. They finally had time to build the bridges while they were under fire. While all that was happening the Union troops prepared to assault Confederate defensive positions south of the city and on a strongly fortified ridge just west of the city known as Marye's Heights. …show more content…

During this battle Burnside had a plan which was that he would put most of his army fashionably visible near Warrenton then he would rapidly shift his army southeast by the Rappahannock river hoping that his rival would sit still and not follow him but unclear of his intentions the union made a rapid movement against …show more content…

On November 14th the 50th New York engineers reported the pontoons were ready to move besides the lack of 270 horses needed to move them. At first Lee anticipated that Burnside would beat him across the Rappahannock and that to protect Richmond he would assume the next defensible position would be the south the north Anna river but then he saw how slowly Burnside was moving and he directed all of his army towards Fredericksburg. By November 23rd all of Longstreet’s crops had arrived and lee placed them on the bridge that was known as the Marye’s Heights to the west of town, Andersons division was on the far left and directly behind that was McLaws with that in mind Picket’s and Hoods was to the right of that. Then on November 26th he sent out for Jackson but his second corps commander had anticipated the need and began forced marching his troops from Winchester on November 22nd covering as much as 20 miles a day. When Jackson arrived at lees headquarters on November 29 his divisions were deployed to prevent Burnside crossing downstream from

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