
Bean's Friendship Quotes

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Bean is a vastly determined young boy, all the way to the very end of his quest. In the great battle, he fights bravely against the Buggers and keeps his commanders together which would be unimaginable stress for anyone. Although, this four year old who is aware that this war is very real. When Colonel Graff asks why Bean does not freeze up during battle, “I don't freeze up because it isn't my battle. I'm helping. I'm watching. But I'm free. Because it's Ender's game” (Card 267). Bean shows his courageousness by allowing Ender to take the wheel, but agrees to keep Ender in check and makes sure he is doing everything right. To be able to confront the kind of stress it would take to do that, Bean would need limitless courage. Bean also represents humankind as he is battling the Buggers, being one of the brightest minds they have. Bean explains how desperate …show more content…

He fought with exceptional strength. He did not give up as the monsters came from all around him. When he was fighting the evil goddess Khione to protect his friends, he lost his spear and resorted to using a wooden plank, “Jason hefted his icy wooden plank—a stupid weapon to die fighting with—and the monsters charged” (Riordan 143). Jason stands against monsters, giants and wolves with only a wooden plank and is still ready to fight. He confronts this battle with absolute bravery and completes the most courageous task to protect his friends. Jason unlocked his inner demigod abilities and faced Porphyrion, the king of giants. “Half flying, half leaping, Jason landed on the giant’s scaly reptilian knee and climbed up the giant’s arm before Porphyrion even realized what had happened” (Riordan 147). Jason finds the courage in him to battle the king of the giants who can only be defeated with the help of a god. Jason fights despite the fact that he is not a god to protect those whom he loves and to free Hera and bring her

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