
Beauty And Beauty In Ann Radcliffe's The Italian

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From the beginning of The Italian, Ann Radcliffe displays how beauty and fascination will play a complex role throughout the novel. She shows this by stating: “the sweetness and fine expression of her voice attracted his attention to her figure, which had a distinguished air of delicacy and grace; but her face was concealed in her veil. So much indeed was he fascinated by the voice, that a most painful curiosity was excited as to her countenance, which he fancied must express all the sensibility of character that the modulation of her tones indicated ” (Radcliffe 7). At the start of the book, Ann Radcliffe shows us that attractiveness and charm completes an important role throughout the novel. However, it will not be an exposed awareness, Radcliffe insinuates the component of trickery joined with the characters part within their social order. Vivaldi is infatuated by a beautiful girl’s sweetness of her voice and the grace of her person, the girl, being Ellena. In his eyes she is flawless and innocent, he can’t stop himself from falling in love with her. At this point, sex and beauty transpires into being the masterminds of deception and destruction. Vivaldi gets close to Ellena by following her and her elderly companion in the hope of catching a glimpse of her features. However, Ellena steps back further hiding herself behind her veil. Therefore, creating a space of conspiracy which causes Ellena to be more desirable to Vivaldi. The veil is the first item that is

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