
Beauty When The Other Dancer Is The Self Summary

Decent Essays

We have all heard “be yourself and if one doesn't like you then it wasn't meant to be.” We have weather it’s from a movie, or from good advice from an elder. During the short story “Beauty: When the Other Dancer Is the Self” written by Alice Walker the narrator learns this in a lifetime lesson. By the ends of the story she end up realizing that she just needs to be herself and it doesn't matter what she looks like. She realizes that she just needs to be a good person on the inside and everything will take care for itself. The narrator learns that she needs to be herself through the hardships and experiences that she encountered while she was growing up.
To fully understand the meaning behind the way that she learned to be herself one must summarize the story. During the essay, Alice was always the best at what she did in the early years of growing up. She was beautiful and everyone around her knew it, including herself. One day while she was playing with her brothers, and was blasted with an excruciating amount of pain to her right eye. Later to find out her brother shot her with a BB gun. After lying to her parents about the ordeal, they took her to the doctor a week later. He basically told her that their is nothing that he could do, and that their will be a white blog in her eye. After the visit the narrator become down on herself, and starting becoming bad in school. She then later on in life removed the white blob, and became a happy warm hearted person once again.

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