
Beccaria 's Of Crimes And Punishment

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The main summary of Cesare Beccaria’s ‘of crimes and punishment’ was best said in a statement by Beccaria himself which was ‘In order that any punishment should not be an act of violence committed by one person or many against a private citizen, it is essential that it should be public, prompt, necessary, the minimum possible under the given circumstances, proportionate to the crimes, and established by law. ' (Beccaria, C. 2003 pg. 24) Beccaria’s theory was that punishment should only be used to prevent an offender from reoffending and non-offenders from ever offending. This was done by looking at the severity of the punishment, that the punishment should match the crime and should not exceed severity than what is needed to achieve the deterrence of crime. Beccaria is extremely against the idea of torture being used and debates that it should never be used against someone who is still in the stage of being innocent until proven guilty; he is also opposed to the use of capital punishment unless used in extreme restricted situations. Classicalism is the theory used in Beccaria’s ‘of crime and punishment’; this theory is also referred to as the classical school, the classical school discusses work in the 18th century by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham. The classical school was based upon the thought by Beccaria that everyone has free will when it came to making decisions, such decisions as to whether to commit a crime or not. He also believed that punishment can be

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