
Becoming A Veterinarian Essay

Decent Essays

Since I was in fifth grade, I have wanted to become a veterinarian. With this, I understand that there is a very large commitment, but I believe I can handle the challenge. My schedule will consist of working 6 days a week for roughly 8.5 hours each day, which will add up to about 50 hours a week. I chose this schedule, because I would like to have one free day a week to be with friends and family and to enjoy my personal life. Also, with working 8.5 hours in one day, I can start my day early, around 7:30 am and get out by 4:00 pm. This would then also give me some free time after work. With my hopes of having a family, I will need to maintain these hours so that I may get optimal family time, but without neglecting my responsibilities as a trusting veterinarian. Along with maintaining my hours, I hope to live …show more content…

Once I become extremely experienced and have gotten a very well reputation, I can potentially make about $130,180 a year. Along with an increase in my salary, as I work more and more, I will also get more flexible hours as well as better benefits. With being independently employed, I will not have any medical benefits or coverage and my schedule will be difficult to change. With the large dedication to my job, I will not be able to take as many days off, which means that I will often have to come into work sick, which I have witnessed at my internship first hand. I will have a lot of people depending on me and I will not be able to just call in sick, as compared to some other careers. As I stack up more and more hours at work, though, I may be able to create some room in my schedule for a week or two in the year to have vacations. Luckily, I will still be able to have holidays like Christmas and New Year’s eve off, for even my coworkers would not want to come in on those

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