
Becoming A Writer By Russell Baker Essay

Decent Essays

In the short essay, “Becoming a Writer,” penned by Russell Baker, he spoke of a memory from his past that later changed his perception of writing. After reading his piece, I reviewed the response questions listed below the essay to further my understanding of the piece. Almost like looking through a list of prompts as Russell did.
The idea of a change in perception had me reflecting on memories from my childhood. I thought of the times spent with my family together and it wasn’t long before I realized just how much my perception of a nuclear family and marriage had changed based on the revelation of a memory I had almost forgotten. My parents before separation. When recalling memories of Christmases and trips we spent as a nuclear family, I was brought back to how things used to be. It was short lived after a recent dispute occurred between my parents bringing me back to the present. I realized, as I witnessed the argument ensue between them, that how I perceived them during my childhood up to today has changed drastically. My perceptions are constantly changing due to different events that take place that altering my opinions on certain topics.

In this past year, it has become clear to me just how much my perception of marriage, as well as the perception I had of both my mother and father, have changed throughout the years following their divorce. When recalling memories of Christmases and trips we spent as a nuclear family, I was brought back to how things used to be.

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