
Becoming An Exotic Pet Veterinarian

Satisfactory Essays

What I Plan to do in 4 Years

In the year of 2019 I hope to be on the right track to pursue my dreams. I will also talk about my back up plan in case if I fail in the future. My future is a blank book and If I could write it myself this is what it would be.

My dream is to become an exotic pet veterinarian. As an exotic pet veterinarian, I would work with pets that are not as common as your normal day pets such as a cat or a dog, instead I could work with rabbits or domesticated pigs for an example. The reasons why I want to work with these animals is because you never know what animals may walk in and it is not boring then being a dog vet. There is also a more variety of animals to work with. While I am in college I would be still dancing

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