
Becoming Anorexic Analysis

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How to Become an Anorexic Notions of beauty changed many times in the history. In blessed times of the Renaissance, an ideal of beauty was considered women in the body. Artists with pleasure immortalize those amusing paunchy women to the envy of starving representatives of the beautiful sex of our days. Today, women look at these paintings and jealously sigh, "What kind of wonderful times were." The standard of beauty and femininity 90-60-90 proportion transforms women's life into a hell. By itself, the struggle for the perfect body as a whole is good, but some girls and women start to go to extremes and bring themselves to dangerous conditions. Karina, a lightly overweight young woman lately experienced hardships in personal life and …show more content…

First, Karina took a piece of a paper and wrote down, "I feel an aversion to food, nutrition, kitchen and refrigerator. I hate the very source of food; animals, plants and grocery stores. I need to lose 30 pounds of weight at least for a …show more content…

In the morning the battle started. The first two days may be called a blockade, when outside sources are minimized. Three cups of a green tea, two apples, four tiny crackers, coffee and water were the only things that have reached to the enemy for the first two days. In the beginning Karina's body didn't realize that something was going on. It had so much reserve accumulated in previous days that the first day of blockade passed quietly. However, the second day body started protesting by promoting a sharp pain in stomach. Wednesday was unbearable. Karina started bombing by taking appetite suppressing tablets. This time the body began contra-attacking by pressuring on all organs that completely were in the sphere of its influence. The rapid hearth-bit, nausea, dizziness, pain and overall tiredness made Karina crazy. In response she continued bombing, in this time with painkilling tablets. Consumed eggs on Thursday and Friday were like a donation from the Red Cross. It seemed like peacekeeping forces were involved in the war. The body breathed deep and lightened the pressure. However, on Saturday the body realized that it wasn't the Red Cross' help, but Karina's crafty intent to destroy it completely. Sunday was the day of full capitulation. No extreme feelings at all. A little dizzy and a bit blurred vision were the only unfortunate consequences for that time. While the outcome was great; the jeans fitted

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