
Bed Bugs Research Paper

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If you’ve ever been attacked by bed bugs, you know what a nightmare these pests can be. Besides causing direct injury to people, these nuisances can deposit ugly, smelly fecal spots on bedding and around their hiding areas. When battling bed bugs, it’s important to understand how they behave, so here are some common bed bug behaviors.

Feeding Habits
Although people are their main victims, they also feast on the blood of dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, rodents and certain bird species. Amazingly, bed bugs can go as long as an entire year without eating, although this is unusual. The average time that most bed bugs can go without food is about seven months. What’s more, they can also stay alive without oxygen for a time span of 1.5 years. …show more content…

The parts of the body that they generally feed upon include the face, ankles, arms, hands and neck, as well as the lower portion of the body or where there’s exposed skin. A meal can take from a few minutes to as long ten minutes.
After biting a person, a bed bed uses its saliva for injecting an anesthetic, which numbs pain. As a result, many people aren’t even aware they’ve been bitten. Once the meal is finished, the bug retreats back into its hideout.
How They Travel
Because they need humans to get from one location to another, bed bugs have been called “hitchhikers.” This means that they can be easily transported by people moving from area to another, such as from room to room, floor to floor or even from one motel to another one. This is generally how an infestation starts. Reproduction Rate and Life Span
These bugs have an exceptionally fast reproduction rate with a single female laying from 200 to 500 eggs in a lifetime. This amounts to about two to five eggs laid daily. The average lifespan is around 10 months, although there many bed bugs live a year or even longer. When the temperature is about 80 degrees F, bugs grow …show more content…

These white, sticky eggs are deposited by the female into the dark areas of tiny crevices which are hidden.
There can be from one to 50 clusters of laid eggs in a single clustered group. Anywhere from six to 17 days after the eggs are laid, they hatch. After hatching, these young bugs, known as nymphs, promptly begin to feed. A typical nymph sheds its skin roughly five times before it’s considered fully grown.
Signs of an Infestation
Some of the more common clues of an infestation include:

• Blood stains on sheets and pillows
• Shed skins
• Dark stains on bedding from fecal matter
• Musty or sweet odors

Because bed bugs can multiply extremely fast, it’s critical to have an effective product that creates an inhospitable environment for bed bugs. At Vama, Inc. we mostly sell directly, through distributors, to hotels, property management firms and medical facilities. Our B2B ecotechnology/biotechnology company is proud to have developed a targeted natural remedy to bed bugs that has been proven effective. Please contact

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