
Bee Eater Facts

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Green Bee-EaterGreen Bee-EaterGreen Bee-EaterGreen Bee-EaterGreen Bee-Eater
Green Bee-Eater Facts

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Coraciiformes
Family: Meropidae
Genus: Merops
Scientific Name: Merops Orientalis
Type: Bird
Diet: Omnivore
Size (H): 16cm - 18cm (6.2in - 7in)
Wing Span: 29cm - 30cm (11.4in - 11.8in)
Weight: 15g - 20g (0.5oz - 0.7oz)
Top Speed: 42km/h (26mph)
Life Span: 12 - 18 years
Lifestyle: Solitary
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Green, Orange, Blue, Brown, Yellow, Black, White
Skin Type: Feathers
Favourite Food:
Habitat: Grasslands and open forests
Average Clutch Size: 4
Main Prey: Honeybee, Bees, Flying Insects
Predators: Eagles, Storks, Raptors
Distinctive Features: Long curved beak and bright green plumage

Map of Green Bee-Eater Locations
The green …show more content…

The green bee-eater is an easily distinguishable bird due to it's bright green plumage and attractive long tail-feathers. The green bee-eater also has a long, but sharp and narrow black beak which is perfectly designed for catching flying insects.

The green bee-eater is known to be a slow starter in the mornings and may be found huddled next to one another with their bills tucked in their backs well after sunrise. The green bee-eater is also known to sand-bathe more frequently than other bee-eater species and will sometimes bathe in water by dipping into water in flight. Green bee-eaters are usually seen in small groups and often roost communally in large numbers of up to 300 birds.

Like other bee-eater species, the green bee-eater primarily feeds on insects. More than 80% of the green bee-eater's diet is comprised of honeybees and the rest is mainly made up of other bee species along with numerous species of flying insect. The green bee-eater is an omnivorous animal and will also eat fruits and berries along with ground-dwelling insects when it needs to supplement it's

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