
Before I Knew Exactly What The Social Work Profession Consisted

Decent Essays

Before I knew exactly what the social work profession consisted of, I knew I wanted a career that focused on helping others. I explored options including medical and nursing fields, but they did not fit what I was destined for. It was not until I began working in a mental health office for a Licensed Independent Social Worker and a Prescribing Psychologist, that I knew the social work field was for me. It was during that job three years ago when I learned the social work profession and its core values consist of helping others achieve the best life possible with what they have. It is seeing the possibilities that others do not see and assisting individuals in navigating through them with patience and perseverance. The social work …show more content…

I learned and saw first-hand what these mental illnesses looked like and developed patience to work with a population that I had no previous experience working with. I also learned to be conscientious and to take unique approaches to every client situation, ensuring both parties were left satisfied. I realized many people are quick to judge others just because they are different from the typical mold. I decided to never silently stand-by when I heard misconceptions of mental disorders, instead I would take those opportunities to educate others. In my freshman year of college I met a young man with autism. I was not discouraged from becoming his friend based on his diagnosis, but instead I felt a strong need to be his friend. I could tell how badly he needed a friend because he seemed isolated by our fellow peers. I decided to turn casual run-ins with him on my college campus into weekly lunches. I offered him guidance with many of the difficulties he experienced and tried to show him a new outlook on various life situations. A year into our friendship he told me that I saved his life. While he believed I saved his life, he was actually the one to give me a sense of purpose to believe I was put on this earth to help and save more lives. Our friendship taught me about the importance of helping members of my community, and how

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