
Before I Start School: A Personal Narrative Of My Life

Satisfactory Essays

Before I started school,I felt scared because I didn't know what it was gonna be like.
It looked like toys everywhere around my house.
It sounded like my family was so excited for my first day of school.
It tasted like cookies cause that's all I wanted to eat.
It smelled like toast cause that's what my mom always made. When I was in kindergarten,i felt really happy cause I had lots of friends.
It looked like a small room with lots of blocks.
It sounded like kids talking and crying.
It tasted like carrots because they always gave us healthy food.
It smelled like used baby wipes and baby powder. When I was in elementary school, I felt excited because I thought I was a big boy.
It looked like kids walking in single file lines.
It sounded like

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